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Join us for the EG Prep Education event, "Chest Pain in the Acute Care Setting." Discover expert insights on patient approach with a focus on primary care. Featuring a graphic of someone experiencing chest pain and two knowledgeable speakers at a booth.

Chest Pain in the Acute Care Setting

Presentation slide titled "Abdominal Pain in the Acute Care Setting," featuring a speaker discussing the patient approach and medical imagery related to abdominal pain.

Abdominal Pain in the Acute Care Setting

A slide with "Dyspnea in the Acute Care Setting" text, a logo, an illustration of a face exhaling, and a person speaking at a podium highlights the patient approach in addressing chest pain efficiently.

Dyspnea in the Acute Care Setting

Text reads "Soft Tissue Infection/Trauma in the Acute Care Setting." Two people are sitting at a table, discussing patient approach. Close-up of a hand with a skin rash, resembling chest pain symptoms. Hexagonal pattern background adds a clinical touch.

Soft Tissue Infection/Trauma in the Acute Care Setting

Presentation slide titled "Acute Metabolic Disorders," covering thyroid, DKA, and hyper/hypoglycemia topics with a focus on patient approach. A presenter stands at the podium, discussing primary care strategies alongside a screen displaying an anatomical diagram.

Acute Metabolic Disorders (thyroid, DKA, hyper/hypoglycemia)